Some of the Best Vastu Tips for the Office

In today's era of economic revolution, competition in business and profession is increasing, so everyone does not miss out on taking every single measure to increase their income. To run any business or enterprise, along with the basic things, the energy present in the environment and the basic elements present there also have a big hand, for this Vastu consultation is required. So let us know what are Vastu for Office construction. Office Entrance: Make sure the entrance to your office is well-lit and clutter-free. Avoid any obstruction that can block the flow of positive energy. Office Location: Ideally, choose an office space with a regular or rectangular shape. Avoid irregularly shaped offices, as they can cause energy imbalance. Office Entry Direction : Place the office in the northern, eastern or northeastern direction. These directions are considered auspicious and promote prosperity. Desk Placement: Place your desk in such a way that you face north or east while wo...